International Trade law

At Ninety Two Chambers, our team of experienced international trade lawyers is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal services in the field of international trade law. We understand the complexities and challenges faced by businesses engaged in cross-border trade and are committed to helping clients navigate the intricate web of international trade regulations and agreements.

Our International Trade Law Services encompass a wide range of areas, including:

Import and Export Compliance:
We assist businesses in understanding and complying with import and export regulations, including customs laws, export controls, sanctions, and trade embargoes. Our lawyers provide guidance on customs clearance, tariff classification, valuation, country of origin rules, and export licensing requirements. We help clients develop effective compliance programs to mitigate risks and ensure smooth cross-border transactions.
International Trade Agreements:
We advise clients on the legal implications of international trade agreements and regional trade blocs. Our lawyers assist in interpreting and applying provisions of multilateral agreements such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements, as well as regional trade agreements like free trade agreements (FTAs) and preferential trade agreements (PTAs). We help clients navigate the complexities of trade agreements to take advantage of tariff reductions, preferential treatment, and market access opportunities.
Trade Disputes and WTO Dispute Settlement:
Our lawyers represent clients in trade disputes, including antidumping, countervailing duty, and safeguard investigations. We assist in initiating or defending against trade remedy actions and represent clients before relevant authorities, such as customs agencies, trade commissions, and dispute settlement panels. We also advise on WTO dispute settlement proceedings, including consultations, panel proceedings, and appellate review.
Trade Finance and Documentary Credits:
We provide legal support in trade finance matters, including letters of credit, documentary collections, and trade finance contracts. Our lawyers assist in drafting and negotiating trade finance agreements, advising on international payment mechanisms, and resolving disputes arising from documentary credit transactions. We help clients manage financial risks and ensure compliance with applicable international trade rules.
Trade Compliance Audits and Due Diligence:
We conduct trade compliance audits and due diligence reviews to assess clients' compliance with international trade laws and regulations. Our lawyers help identify potential risks and vulnerabilities in trade operations, develop remediation strategies, and implement effective compliance programs. We assist clients in conducting due diligence on business partners, suppliers, and customers to ensure compliance with international trade laws and mitigate risks associated with cross-border transactions.
Trade Policy and Market Access:
We advise businesses on trade policy developments, including trade negotiations, regulatory changes, and market access issues. Our lawyers assist clients in monitoring and analyzing trade policy developments that may impact their operations, advocating for their interests in trade policy forums, and seeking opportunities for market expansion. We provide guidance on market access barriers, trade barriers, and trade facilitation measures to enhance clients' competitiveness in the global marketplace.
International Trade Contracts:
We assist clients in drafting and negotiating international trade contracts, including purchase agreements, distribution agreements, agency agreements, and licensing agreements. Our lawyers ensure that contracts are properly structured to protect clients' rights, address international trade regulations, and mitigate commercial risks associated with cross-border transactions.

We combine our in-depth knowledge of international trade laws with practical business insights to provide effective legal solutions tailored to our clients’ needs. Whether you are an importer, exporter, multinational corporation, or trade association, our experienced international trade lawyers are here to guide you through the complexities of international trade law and help you achieve your objectives.

Contact us  today to discuss how our International Trade Law Services can assist you in navigating global trade challenges, ensuring compliance with international trade regulations, and optimizing opportunities in the international marketplace. Our dedicated team of international trade lawyers is ready to support you.


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